This company called Perfopol has got a very large experience in the branch of production of perforated materials. It hires experienced and well-trained workers, so all products meet strict quality and safety requirements. The offer includes some materials that provide safety while working on high areas, platforms, etc. These are special non-slip platforms made of stainless, mild or galvanized steel. There are also special platforms made of aluminum. They are perfect for use in different applications and industries.
Solid and safe products in a good price
All non-slip platforms produced by Perfopol feature thickness on the level of 2 to 3 mm. They can be created with or without mounting holes on their sides. These platforms can be used on ramps, scaffoldings, roofs, etc. Their surface offers high adhesion and it protects from slipping or falling down. The wide offer of these platforms includes many standard sizes and shapes, but the company also offers realization of individual projects.