How often are you mad at yourself when you are not able to install the snow chains on your car"s tires? Don"t worry, a lot of people have got the same problem. Fortunatelly, AutoSock company has found an excellent alternative to this traditional and uncomfortable solution. These are the so-called snow socks, which has all the good stuff. They are very easy to be fitted on, to be cleaned and to store (because they are very light and they fold up into a flat shape). They provide excellent traction on the snow. In contrast to the snow chains you can also drive your car on the road cleared of snow without risk of damage of the tires or the surface. Thanks to our offer you can forget about snow chains forever! AutoStock offers the snow socks of the best quality for all type of the vehicles: passenger cars, vans, trucks and buses. Our products meet strict safety standards. You can buy our snow socks worldwide by the internet. If you have got any question, just send the e-mail or phone. You won"t be disappointed!

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